Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Quest

Our little boy has started the quest of jumping...getting both feet off the ground. Until now, he mostly hops/skips around saying, "Jump, jump, jump," like a little Mexican Jumping Bean. (I used to have some of those, and they really do jump! They are little rocks, I think, with some sort of insect in them.) A couple older friends have been over to our new house and jumped off the stairs, showing Charlie that there is so much more to the world of jumping. Now all of our mornings start out by first, finding the magic boots, and then, jumping off the bottom step.
Watch and see.....


The two old crows said...

That brings tears to my eyes. It brings back memories of our children first jumping off stairs, then couches, and finally their beds (bunk beds). Those were the days.

Tracy Giles said...

Good Jumping Charlie!

momomom said...

wow, I totally need magic jumping boots. You rock Charlie!