Friday, December 7, 2007

Banana lotion...

You've all heard of fruit flavored lotion. Well, Charlie has discovered the magical properties of the essential oils found in bananas. His instructions are as follows: First, slice a fresh banana. Next, proceed to smash banana with both hands making sure to get inbetween fingers. Rub around back of hands and wrists. Bonus: Lick hands for a tasty treat! Enjoy the sweet scent of tropical banana all day long.


Mad Hadder said...

Go figure. Not one, not two, but THREE (as in ALL) of my kids are writers. I'm sobbing here...

The Mortensens said...

That's great... I especially love when Will not only rubs food all over his hands and arms and the table, but also when he rubs it in his hair and then of course, there is the ever popular chuck your plate on the floor when you are done, and then you have food all over... floor, walls, EVERYWHERE!